Help us beat breast cancer

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Damn Chemo brain!

Hello everyone! I have been trying to update my blog for about a week now but the chemo has my brain in such disarray! I couldn't remember my password or how to even create a new blog. Silly, I know but for some reason it just wouldn't come to me. Since my last post, I felt better in between treaments and was even able to work again... light duty but it's still work. So I'm thankful for that. Keeping myself busy is important now because sometimes those inner demons haunt you. I'm keeping with the positivity and reminding myself that it's not my fault that this happened. What's meant to be is meant to be and I'll just take it as it comes. I had my second treatment of Taxotere 3 days ago. Yesterday was a little rough but I was able to keep busy at a co-workers wedding surrounded by lots of people I love. You really don't realize how lucky you are until misfortune veers its ugly head. I wish everyone out there could see that we all have positives in our life and we need to take hold of them and run with it. Yes, bad things happen but they shouldn't define us. We should embrace those that love us, take full advantage of their presence and really appreciate them and tell them often how much they mean to us. I know I've stated this over and over again... but I feel truly blessed to have such awesome people on my side. Everyday, someone inspires me with encouraging words that allow me to push forward and truly see the meaning of life and why I should continue to fight. "Operation Cancer @ss Kicking" is in full force. Thank you all again for your continued, non-waivering, support. They are truly what gets me by. Until next time... be well and love!

1 comment:

  1. Love you Krista!!! I'm so glad to hear that you have such a awesome attitude. You are right about all the things you said. You go girl!! "Operation Cancer @ss Kicking"!!!!
